Big Toe Pain

“Hallux Rigidus”

Each day, with every step you take, your big toe bears a tremendous amount of stress, a force equal to about twice your body weight. Most don’t realize how much we use our big toe and tend to take it for granted until a problem develops.

Hallux rigidus is a condition where movement of the toe is restricted to varying degrees. This disorder can be very painful and even disabling. If you have pain and/or stiffness in your big toe you may have this condition. This is a progressive condition where motion decreases as time goes on.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Pain and stiffness in the big toe during use

  • Pain and stiffness aggravated by cold, damp weather

  • Difficulty with certain activities (running, squatting)

  • Pain even during rest

  • Difficulty wearing shoes

  • Dull pain in the hip, knee or lower back due to changes in gait

  • Limping in severe cases

Diagnosis and Treatment


Treatment can range from conservative shoe modification to surgical intervention. Dr. Hanawalt will evaluated your hallux rigidus and develop a plan suited for your needs.