A bunion is a painful, bony bump that develops at the base of your big toe. Bunions develop gradually when your big toe points inward, toward your second toe, instead of straight ahead. This causes your big toe joint to stick out, changing the structure of the bone.
You’re more likely to develop bunions if you wear tight, narrow shoes, or if you have arthritis. They’re usually related at least in part to the structure of your foot. Some people have big toes that naturally point toward their second toes, and this tendency can worsen.
Over time, bunions can change the structure of the affected foot. If your big toe places enough pressure on your second toe, your second toe can also become misaligned.
Many people only seek treatment for bunions after they’re already experiencing significant pain and difficulty walking, but with early intervention, you can prevent changes to your foot without surgery..
Signs and Symptoms
Pain or soreness
Inflammation and redness
A burning sensation
Decreased motion of the toe
Need Many bunions are mild and improve with conservative treatment. Note that conservative treatment can’t reverse or “cure” a bunion, but you can prevent a bunion from getting worse and potentially requiring surgery.
As a first-line treatment for bunions, Dr. Hanawalt recommends wearing comfortable shoes that fit properly to reduce pressure on your toes and friction against the bunion. She may also recommend orthotics, or customized shoe inserts, which can properly align your toes and relieve pressure.
Other devices that can improve the alignment of your toes and improve bunions include toe spacers and night splints.
While you take these steps to prevent your bunion from getting worse, you can manage the pain by icing the area or taking over-the-counter pain medication.a paragraph here.
Surgical Treatment
You may be a candidate for bunion surgery if your bunion is causing significant problems, including:
Pain and swelling that persist even with rest and over-the-counter pain medication
Difficulty walking and performing everyday activities
A deformity or other change in the structure of your foot, including your big toe crossing over your second toe
Bunion surgery can relieve your pain, correct the alignment of your toes and any foot deformities, and help you return to your everyday activities.